
Here you will always find thoughts and information that are directly or indirectly related to my music.

A hodgepodge...

...sometimes also somewhat unconventional thoughts.


Stationen III - Released
May 2023
It took a little longer than planned - but sometimes the devil is in the details: the first time I was in the studio to experience how a piezo pickup broke. But thanks to Urs from Guitar-Repairs for the quick help and I could continue recording.

New pictures for the website
September 2022
I would like to thank the curator of the Johanniterkirche in Feldkirch for allowing me to create pictures there. The room is dominated by such a magical light and the sound of my guitar was able to unfold. This place is unique. More information about the place can be found on the website Johanniterkirche Feldkirch.

Drugs in the form of an instrument
August 2021
For me it's quite clear: There is no such thing as the ultimate technology – even if clever marketing people keep trying to sell it. Instead, you should trust your hearing and feeling. For me, it was a long, costly and disappointing road to this realization!

Today I can claim with a clear conscience to have smuggled tons of equipment (which I was allowed to pay for) through my musical life – which I finally got rid of again because it just didn't keep what was promised. Only my money was gone. Selling used is another thing: a gift is still too expensive, even if it is only a few weeks old.

At some point I decided to only let things on my fingers that also corresponded to my ideas. That means: individual instruments and devices. Ultimately far cheaper than the years-long path as described above. Even if it really hurts for a moment.

"I only let Schertler and Zucali on my fingers"


"I don't leave the house without my Brunner"

you hear someone say. That's not entirely true, there's more to it than that – but you'll have to find that out for yourself. Every musician is an individual. So why buy off the shelf? Industrial production limits the possibilities – so that it can be produced "cheaper" and the profits of the shareholders increase. But do I want to be "cheap" as a musician?

Ask the guitar builder you trust and you will be amazed at what they can do. Practically everything you can't get anywhere else, namely drugs in the form of an instrument.

Problems with your partner can then no longer be ruled out. Jealousy like "You touch her more than me" accompany me through the day. But I always say: guitarists are the most loyal partners! They have enough to do with their – mostly many – girls (my guitars are all female and have names).

I would also be happy to help you realize your vision or idea and can give you tips. By the way, nobody pays me for it and I like doing it from musician to musician.

Without music, life would be a mistake.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844 - 1900)
Guido Koepke
Composer – Acoustic Guitar – Artist